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5 Disruptive Supply Chain Technologies to Watch in 2018

5 Disruptive Supply Chain Technologies to Watch in 2018

Get Prepared for Disruption to the Supply Chain Industry as these Technologies Mature and Grow

5 Disruptive Supply Chain Technologies to Watch in 2018

Since Aqurus Solutions is exhibiting at the Cargo Logistics Canada Expo and Conference in Vancouver, BC on February 7-8, 2018, we thought this would be a good time to take a closer look at the issues being faced by the logistics industry in 2018 and the emerging technologies that will help address them. 


Managing a Supply Chain in 2018 is a complex affair. Tenuous logistics chains stretch out overseas in every direction.


These chains deliver goods via multiple carriers, across multiple borders, and past multiple obstacles – with missed commitments, regulations and criminal activity being the main culprits.


Can technology solve any of these problems and help smooth out a supply chain? Can it ‘disrupt’ logistics as we know it today and eliminate entire segments of the global transport industry?


And who will it affect more? The small carriers and 3PLs, the shippers, or the major carriers?


Within the logistics industry, technology is playing an even-expanding role in managing a supply chain.


And, as business cycles get faster and shorter, and customers become even more demanding, the complexity of managing a supply chain, and the need for cutting edge technology to assist, will only increase.


From Infosys’ 22nd Annual 2018 Third-Party Logistics study, we’ve put some thoughts together on the technologies that are on the verge of disrupting the supply chain industry:


Read Our 5-Part Series on Disruptive Supply Chain Technologies to Watch in 2018

Article #1: Blockchain is Becoming a Crucial Link in the Supply Chain

Article #2: Automation and Digitization Will Shorten the Supply Chain

Article#3: Shipper-3PL Relationships Will Share Information at a Strategic Level

Article #4: Logistics is Experiencing a Talent Revolution

Article #5: 3D Printing will Add Strategic Flexibility to the Supply Chain – but When?


Shipper-3PL Relationships Will Share Information Strategically

Shipper-3PL Relationships Will Share Information Strategically

Part 3 of our 5-part series on Technologies Disrupting the Supply Chain

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Logistics is Experiencing a Talent Revolution

Logistics is Experiencing a Talent Revolution

Part 4 of our 5-part series on Technologies Disrupting the Supply Chain Since Aqurus Solutions is exhibiting at the Cargo Logistics Canada Expo and...

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Blockchain Becomes a Crucial Link in the Supply Chain

Part 1 of our 5-part series on Technologies Disrupting the Supply Chain

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