1 min read

Kevin Appelhof represents Carbon Controls and speaks about his experience using the Acumatica Cloud ERP through Aqurus.
A unique aspect of Carbon Controls is that they implemented almost entirely on their own. They successfully deployed the Acumatica ERP with their team, and leaned on Aqurus when they needed our support.
Carbon decided to self implement in order to learn the solution and be more independent as a company, without having to call us for minor requirements.
At Aqurus we always encourage our clients to grab a hold of the system and own it as their own. If that’s not your type of business and you would like more support, we are always more than happy to help as needed. Partnerships with flexibility.
Their previous ERP solution was becoming obsolete, and it was not meeting their needs anymore.
Carbon controls are continuously using Acumatica, and they are currently in their second year.
“I would definitely recommend Acumatica to other businesses. It covers the full ERP functionality, it integrates with other products well, and it’s...