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Perfecting Distribution and Retail-Commerce Quote-to-Cash Processes

Perfecting Distribution and Retail-Commerce Quote-to-Cash Processes


Get Paid Faster with Flexible Distribution and Retail-Commerce Quote-to-Cash Workflows


 Distribution and Retail-Commerce Quote-to-Cash Processes - Acumatica
Every wholesale distributor and retail-commerce business has a slightly different quote-to-cash process. Some inventory-centric companies forecast demand, order-to-stock, and fulfill orders from inventory. At the same time, other organizations invest heavily in marketing and sales with third-party inventory management and outsourced order fulfillment via drop-ship orders. Item management is critical in environments where product families contain hundreds or thousands of items that vary only slightly by attribute. Lot and serial traceability and kitting with disassembly are crucial for many organizations. Acumatica provides flexibility to support many different quote-to-cash workflows with powerful applications to manage leads, inventory, purchasing, picking, packing, shipments, and accounting. Omnichannel sales are supported for in-house sales, online commerce storefront orders, or retail point of sale transactions. Extended applications support the quote-to-cash process with field service appointments for installation and repair and project accounting for professional services that include distributed goods.


This Playbook illustrates how Acumatica supports simple and complex quote-to-cash processes for businesses that sell, install, and service distributed products. The quote-to-cash process comprises three phases and 14 unique steps, from item definition and lead generation to reporting and supporting activities.



PHASE 1: Prepare and Sell


Most sales start well before the quote is created. Set up stock items for products and non-inventoried items for services. Leverage embedded marketing automation to generate business leads. Manage the sales cycle with lead assignment and opportunity activities. Create and manage product families with matrix items and send quotes to customers for electronic approval. Convert quotes to sales orders and manage order details for a clean hand-off to the warehouse, drop-shipments by vendors, or third-party order fulfillment agencies.


PHASE 2: Procure and Fulfill


Inventory planning begins prior to sales in many distribution and commerce environments. Companies purchase inventory to maintain stocking levels to avoid stock-out scenarios. Purchase orders and inventory replenishment balance supply and demand ensuring sufficient stock while avoiding overstock which increases carrying costs and the risk for product obsolescence. Multi-location wholesalers or hub-and-spoke distribution centers setup replenishment rules to generate transfers to replenish warehouse locations when stocking levels fall below safety stock values. Further, some companies establish long-term contracts with suppliers using blanket purchase orders to control purchasing with periodic releases sent to the vendor.


PHASE 3: Account and Analyze


Accounting engages in the quote-to-cash process at various points for invoicing, vendor payments, and related activities. Invoices are typically sent after the order has shipped. However, some companies send multiple invoices for larger orders or sales that include field services, contracts, or multi-task projects. Vendor invoices are received, vouchered, and paid. Collection activities are managed for past due invoices with phone calls and email communication. Additional activities and reports complete the process with sales commissions and detailed analysis. There are many other supporting applications and processes crucial to perfecting the quote-to-cash process that should not be ignored.


Distributors and retail-commerce organizations perfect the quote-to cash process and get paid faster with a comprehensive and modern ERP application like Acumatica. Manage every step effectively and with the flexibility to adapt the system to the way you do business.


The quote-to-cash process comprises three phases and 14 unique steps, download the Playbook now to learn more!


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