1 min read
Top Lessons from the Canada Logistics Conference 2020
Murray Quibell
Nov 27, 2020 7:28:39 AM

Another annual Canada Logistics Conference, which was held from November 10 to 27, just ended. For the first time, industry’s annual through leadership conference for supply chain logistics professionals was held completely online, and we’re excited to share some of what we learned.
Over the three-week conference period, we were able to join live sessions for a few days every day, connected with other professions through in-the-moment Zoom chats, and interactive “conference gaming.”
One of the most important and topical sessions was about eCommerce, a hot topic with the global pandemic, and examples of how business can increase exponentially online despite the effects of COVID-19.
Other highlights included:
- A higher-level examination of Canada’s Economic Outlook, presented by Chief Economist, Dan North from Euler Hermes, North America
- How urban centres are changing with the increasing popularity of micro fulfillment centres
- A talk co-presented by Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) on Geopolitics, Logistics and Threats to Canada’s Supply Chain
Interested in learning more? Contact us today to hear more about how your business can thrive online through the pandemic, planning your next micro-fulfillment centre, or securing your supply chain.

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